Friday, February 12, 2010

What is your opinion of false reporting?

To clarify:

What are your feelings regarding reporting a question (or answer) as a violation when you know it is not a violation?

One example could be reporting a question or answer because a person does not like the content. A form a censorship if you will.

Do you think this is lying? Do you think it can be justified? Has it happened to you?

*This is a sincere question thank you*What is your opinion of false reporting?
I think people who false-report should have their influence in the community taken away until they have no more, they can't report.

OR they could just start banning IP addresses, which I've been telling Yahoo to do from the get-go.What is your opinion of false reporting?
Yes, I will Violate a question for content.

There is content that is offensive:

1) Vulgar language.

2) Blasphemous comments ment to offend Christians.

3) Insulting, and abusive comments aimed at Christians.

It is not lying to Report a Violation !

It happens to me every day..I have had my account suspended and the culprit bragging on Y/A and listing the people who are next.I think you just asked this question...did it get removed already...doesn't surprise....dishonesty is a false reporting is dishonest....It is the same as lying and we all know that liars are not going to inherit Gods kingdom...there is also a scripture about bearing false witness.
false reporting is a sin.... any ';christian'; who does so will rot in hell for it! ha!
It's happened to me many times bro! You nailed it. Censorship and lying!

For those of you who report falsely....

But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and ALL LIARS SHALLH HAVE THEIR PART IN THE LAKE WHICH BURNS WITH FIRE and brimstone, which is the second death.” Rev. 21:8
people report me for using the word **** all the mother ******* time.. i just get over it.. lol.
Being a person who has received many violations, my opinion is that it is very annoying. It's probably not lying per se. What doesn't offend many, might offend one. Kind of like political correctness. Yes it is censorship for sure.
It is a sin. Those that do false reporting will probably be damned forever and ever.
Yes, it has.

I'm against it.

When you report someone else you are really just reporting your own fragility.
My understanding is that church folks do it to get extra points in heaven. If other people do it I don't know why.
i get reported alot. why bother to get mad over it? simply say what you feel you need to say and if you get reported.. it is ok to let it go. why worry?
Yes, it's a form of lying - false witness if you will. It's also not very nice. It happens ALL the time. Probably at least half my questions get reported if I let them go to a vote, and I only rarely violate the community standards.

There is no acountability. Anyone can report anyone for any reason anonymously, and there really isn't any way to get redress. If you complain, all you get is a form response and nothing happens.
sometimes its misinterpretation ... i think people that are not english need to go to their own yahoo section ..
I think that it's very annoying as there are many questions where people arre offensive and nasty to others but if you have a go then it's only you that reply plus there are many christians who report stuff just because they are trolls and they don't like gays or someone

I do not have a problem with people tattling or acting like crybabies. I have a problem with some of those moderator judges who are often not able to always understand figures of speech like sarcasm, metaphor, simile, personification et al.

Yep, I was at level 5 and lost my account for 4 violations out of 2800. These were for saying:

1) A particular religious group used to go to their deaths like lambs to the slaughter but now fight back tougher than junk yard dogs.

2) I used the N word (mispelled) in quoting some rant of a southern sheriff.

3) I said that if all religious symbols must be removed in the US Federal property, the statue of Liberty be demolished.

since she is an image of Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom. I jokingly started out saying you American pagans and it was so straight forward it was not obtuse in the slightist.

4) Finally, the straw that broke the camel's back was when a redneck wrote in saying why do them Arabs want to wear bed sheets all the time? I wrote back, fasitiously saying I suppose they want to look like the Klan themselves. My point here was that many people in the world say the Klan of the red neck culture wear bed sheets as well so who are they to talk?

Anyway my appeal was a waste of time and I admit the members of the board got miffed that I said one had a better chance of getting a fairer hearing with the Catholic Inquistion since they at least gave you an opportunity to speak your mind. I mentioned this seeing that many appeals were fruitless.

Finally I have taken this like a man and started again but if I had my way I would delete accounts of those people that had a consistant history of reporting people. My ma had a rule when we were a kids. If you tattled on each other it had better be a very good and serious reason; if not the tattle tale took whatever punishment was in store. I must admit liked her philosophy.


Michael K
I just got a violation, too. I know that we believe differently(I know you're a christian; I'm agnostic), but I think we can both agree that people that report violations, except for the ones that threaten violence, are over-sensitive, thin-skinned, whiney little pansies that can't deal with a difference of opinion.

*O.K. sissies, you can start reporting now.*

I my self have only reported one person, who essentially called for all atheists to be killed in a horrible manner. I've never reported any of the other opinions of people that post here, even the sarcastic ones that *technically* violate the rules.

This is an open forum, and the differences in opinion are what make it interesting. Hell, if it wasn't for the conflict, I probably wouldn't even come here. That's half the fun!

Christians and atheists alike have those among them that have the guts to take a few shots from the other side, and those that break down and go tattle to 'mommy'. And don't even get me started on the people that falsely report. If there is a hell, I hope they have a special place reserved for you people.

To all the crybabies out there: GROW SOME BALLS!!!!


Sorry, I got off on such a rant that I forgot to answer your other two questions.

Is it lying?: Not always, but most of the time it is; just people reporting things they don't like to hear, which is dispicable.

Can it be justified?: In rare cases like the only one I reported, yes. If you mean justified as in 'fixed', no. Yahoo! doesn't care.
Small minds trouble me not. I guess it did bother me about being reported and deleted and all that but when you really think about it, who gives a damn. Nobody is on here searching for deep meaningful ideas. People seem to be on here to get off some sort of frustration so whatever I guess.
I can't imagine how it would be justifiable.

As a Christian, I believe we have to honor the commandment which says do not bear false witness.

That to me falls under that category.

There are a lot of answers and questions which I see here which I vehemently disagree with, and at times find offensive... but they still fall within the community guidelines and therefore are not really reportable.

There are two questions which I answered, and when I went back to check on it, the question had been deleted... but unnecessarily because the question was perfectly legit.
I've been reported and I am pretty sure it was just because they didn't like the content of what I wrote rather than it being a violation of the rules.

False reporting, in my opinion, IS lying, and it cannot be justified.
I have had one or two baseless violation reports, but nothing ever came of them, because they were baseless.

I never send a false report because it's childish and ridiculous. It's lying, yes, but it's also a power-play on the part of someone who needs to do something like that to feel ';important.'; Like a playground bully. Pathetic.
Christians guilty of false reporting will be judge by God on the Last Day and will suffer eternity in a Lake of Fire and Brimstone.
Some people just think they are more equal than others.

It really is a nasty habit and should not happen.

Yes, it is a form of lying, and so wrong.
Well, plain and simple, it is an oppression of freedom of speech. Freedom of speech works both ways, so you might not always hear what you want to hear. Get over it people!
I think the reporter should be penalized when they report content that is not a violation.
I am reporting this question


Oh Jeez people, lighten up
I think it's wrong, but one way to protect oneself would be to not post in such a way that your questions or answers could be taken out of context and made to sound like violations.

I'm sure people twiddle their little thumbs and think of ways to spin people's posts from tongue-in-cheek or off-the-wall remarks into insults or hate speech or other such stuff.

Part of this is that the questioner has hinted a little too much, but also I'm sure there's strength in numbers. Certain organized reporters may band together and collectively report people whom they think are si-- uhh bad people, and even if the post would take a stretch to interpret as evil, the more reports probably the more influence there is to delete it.

I'm sure something like this has happened to me, so nowadays I try to take greater care in how I craft my questions; generally I've had much better luck than previously because, as in computer network security, I'm trying to decrease the ';attack surface'; of my questions, by making them clear and less prone to being taken out of context.
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