Well, various people have tried to figure this out. About half of the UFO sitings have a logical reason, but half have a supernatural reason or no reason at all. It's just a matter of what you think yourself, really. Lots of people do believe in aliens - I'm not sure if I do or don't - but I've seen a couple of UFO's and I'm from Ireand.Are ALL UFO reports false?
No, not all reports are false, actually, the majority is correct. But a UFO is only a UFO as long as it is unidentified.
All reports about aliens landing are with certainty wrong, as they often are singular reports - no other witness reports are available for such events or the witness reports diverge.
99,9% of all UFOs are naturalistic events = They have a real existing origin, mostly technical and by humans, but also natural causes..
Many of the people who make the reports did see something they couldn't explain, but that does not make the object an alien spacecraft. Since I am absolutely convinced that interstellar travel is completely impossible because of technical reasons, I would have to say that all UFO reports that infer intelligent extraterrestrial origin are false. Of course if my assumptions are wrong, my conclusion may be wrong too.
Depends what you mean by false.
Some are indeed unidentified and flying.
And just because they're odd doesn't mean that they're alien spaceships. People have been seeing ghosts, pixies, fairy lights etc etc etc since records began, and we have no good understanding of those. Some are no doubt lies, some folklore, some mistaken identities.
But there could be some genuine phenomena behind all these things which we've yet to understand.
They're just New World Order vehicles.
TR-3B, Operation Paperclip, mercury plasma magnetic vortices, electrogravitics, Kaluza-Klein theory and how to engineer things in line with it, Haunebu, Nazi Bell, Vril Society, Thule Society, Thomas Townsend Brown, Nikola Tesla, etc...
Most likely there is something really in the sky. Most of them are probably government air crafts. I wouldn't even put it past our government to be purposely trying to get us to believe they are real. Has their ever really been a real UFO? I'm not sure anyone who really knows would answer your question. Until I see an alien, I will be skeptical.
UFO's are unidentified objects, so reports will always come in on these.
Some bloke in Wales UK reported he could see an object in the sky, a big round ball.
It turned out to be the moon.
But i beleive i saw one once.
If aliens did come all the way here, and they didn't even try to make contact, why would they be so blatant as to fly low and slow, then suddenly zip off, as is described in so many of the reports?
you can't tell that they are false by th lack of knowledge
but you can't tell if they are true either
what we do know is that they can be all sorts of thinge
from glow-in the dark bacteria to secret military planes
I hope this helps
yes, they are all false. sometimes people see flying aircrafts but they are experiemtns by the air force. even the nazis tried building ufo shaped flying machines during the war
If you mean ';not alien';, then yes.
If you mean ';don't know what that is';, then no. People see things in the sky all the time they can't identify, from planes to stars to birds.
No not all sightings are false but whether or not they are things from another world is another question. Our eyes play some funny tricks on us and we 'see' things and our brain makes mistakes.
Yes, they are. Some are honest mistakes, but many are hoaxes. 95% are identified, and all could be if we had enough data.
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