Friday, February 12, 2010

Can anything be done about my husband's ex wife making constant false CPS reports?

I have been with my husband for 11 years (married 9). He has had custody of his 3 children for 6 1/2 years. His ex just finally had all contact suspended by the judge because she will not comply with the courts orders. i.e.,she won't go get the hair follicle drug test done, she won't talk with the people that the judge ordered her to, she will go weeks and sometimes months at a time without showing up to see them (before this current order) she doesn't call them etc. She blames all of her problems on us, the kids, her mom, the judge, the lawyers, etc.everyone but herself. She is a very hateful, mean, selfish vindictive person. She has made numerous false CPS allegations throughout the years. I'm talking at least 20. Every single one of them have been found to be false. Because of this there are no records kept about the allegations. So my question is, without any records, what can we do? This is horrible to go through and our children (I also have 4) hate it. Although we know that nothing is going to happen to us because we are not abusive or neglectful but it is nerve wracking to go through this constantly. I have gotten to the point that I hate to answer the door if I don't know who it is. And also, what would happen to me if I refused to cooperate with them when they come to our house? I'm guessing that this would just cause more problems. We just don't know what to do anymore. She doesn't have the capabilities to take care of these kids. She is a drug and alcohol addict. She mentally abuses the kids. The judge even believes that she gets more emotional support from the kids than she gives them and that they are the ones that take care of her and not the other way around. We are at our wits end. If anyone has any answers as to how to stop something that proof doesn't even exist for I would appreciate it more than you could know. ThanksCan anything be done about my husband's ex wife making constant false CPS reports?
I would file a investigation with Cps. They can actually make a note not to take any calls from this person seriously and it can get her in trouble. I also want to say that I respect you for caring for those 3 children as if they were your own, it is obvious to me that you take care of all of the children in that home equally. Double kudo's for having the strength to deal with all this when the only thing you did was love someone who fell for the wrong person in the past. Its hard. Good luck and keep it up, you are a amazing women :)Can anything be done about my husband's ex wife making constant false CPS reports?
for starters, any allegations made, false or not, does require a report to be filed. get them all. and report it.

Second, if you are not doing anything to harm the kids, then there shouldn't be any problems letting them in when they come knocking. preventing them will only make you look bad.
Start keeping records, that's all you can do at this point. If she is constantly doing this and you can prove that she does it regularly without reason then perhaps they will ignore her in the future. Maybe they have to check out every report that comes in just to make sure, but start keeping records and maybe you can convince them to let it be. Consider pressing charges against her for harassment.
well i had a problem like you sister and i got into a verbal argument.over things that were missing in my home when she baby sat my kids.hence:she was stealing things from she left and decided to call cps on me(which nothing ever happened).but she did it a few times.i talked to a lawyer and he contacted cps and pretty much said you have harassed this guy long enough and will sue if it doesn't stop.well they give it a try.i see no need of the ****** cps people bothering you like that.good luck.

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