will hurt real victims of rape and/or result in more rapists in the street ? Is that the reason you get irked (if you get irked) whenever somebody talks about tackling false rape reports ?
I asked yet another question about the subject to get some perspective.Do you think if the problems and issues of false rape reports get adressed taken seriouely and tackeled it?
Rapists and False Accusers should both be severely punished and serious jail time should be mandatory. And they should both always be publicly named.Do you think if the problems and issues of false rape reports get adressed taken seriouely and tackeled it?
The false rape reports are a complex situation.
In the long run they hurt the real victims of rape since more false reports mean that real reports will be taken lightly though doing something against those who report falsely would discourage real victims from reporting rape in fear that, if their rapists gets away with it, the rapist could take revenge on the victims without fear or think that, if they got away with it once then they can get away with it again.........
It truly is a double edged sword.
I think that if the accuser was named, as the so say offender is, it may decrease the number of false accusations
I agree with Andrew about this question. There is undeniably a very low rate on false rape claims compared to real claims.
Also, I think the biggest problem is when women do report it, they get degraded and shunned for doing it. In this world too many men think women aren't worth much and women think that it is ok for a man to do what he wants with her. I strongly encourage women to fight back.
I have been ';raped'; more then once. The problem was I was too afraid to report it, and then when I did get the courage to report the last one. The police asked why I was doing it.
They turned on me like there was something wrong with me for trying to get help. They dismissed me, because of the time that had lapsed between the time it happened to the time I reported it. They didn't even give me a chance to fully explain my situation. They never knew the fear I lived every day because of this person. When I finally broke free of him and wanted to let them know who he was, they turned away. THEY DIDN'T CARE.
There are way more real rape reports then fakes, and I believe not all false rape claims are false- the people in authority just don't care and dismiss it just as easily as they dismissed me.
FIRST: I want to say false claims do no ';hurt'; more then an acutual rape- obviously you have never felt the pain of being beat and f*** at the same time. Or thrown against a wall and punched in the face and then f***ed till you bleed. I have and you know what they cops didn't care... NOBODY cared... The problem is not enough people care about the victims in the first place.
I think that all rape charges should be carefully investigated. It is important to make sure that a rape did indeed take place and if it did, that the attacker goes to jail. Likewise, if a person makes a false accusation, he/she should also serve some time in prison. It is a known fact that, yes, there are some people who make false accusations. If the person recants on their accusation then he or she should suffer the consequences of lying.
That said, however, most rape victims are not initially believed when they make a report (if they make a report). There always seems to be a lot of second guessing and secondary victimization on the part of the victim. When people come around and say 90% of rape accusations are false, you hurt those who have actually been raped (as 90% is not anywhere near an accurate percentage). This second guessing makes a victim less likely to come forward after a rape.
Police should always to their job in an utter objective and unbiased manner. Statistics should mean nothing to them, since statistics are not going to help them solve the case at hand.
Well humanity does seem to have a bit of a tendancy to go to far one way or the other... Dont ya think?
In fact, being kinda middle of the road is actually looked down on in my country...
The number of false rape reports are vastly outnumbered by the real ones. It is one of the most unbalanced statistics in all of Criminal Justice. I'm curious though. What do you consider to be a bigger problem? The issue of false reports or the issue of rape itself? Are you one of those mysoginists who believe that women ';ask'; for it? If so...ARE YOU KIDDING ME? If not then join the club.
edit: Two seperate issues huh? I could of sworn that rape is a single issue wheter it is falsely reported or not. While I understand your point, I am simply asking (ONCE AGAIN) which is a bigger issue? The minute(pronounced my-noot) amount of false reports,
or the vast amount of under reported ones due to societies feelings on this issue? You failed to answer if you feel that women ';ask'; for it. If you really want perspective then I suggest volunteering at a rape crisis center like I do.
And women suffer from the rape itself quite enough not to warrant a comment like it doubly hurts women. I, as a man, never have to worry about false reports because I never put myself in a situation that would warrant that kind of charge. Your argument is tantamount to saying that because I have two rusty pennies in my pocket, I have to worry about my 401(k) getting dissentary.
post edit: Okay so you really believe that falsely reporting a rape is more of an important issue. So glad that you actually mustered up the stones to say it. If you really feel this way then I am sorry for your wife/daughters/nieces/mother/sister(s) etc. You are a mysoginist in every sense of the word. I bet you are a right wing christian as well?REPENT NOW and your Lord might find it in her heart not to banish you to everlasting punishment j/k lol.
When it's discovered someone has made a false rape allegation, that makes rape victims more intimidated about reporting a rape because they're afraid they won't be believed. Yes, more rapists will be out on the street because less women will report the rape, not that many women report rape now as it is. There's a law against filing false reports, yet it still happens. I guess people want their 15 minutes of fame.
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